8.11 Plateform Pack installation problem (AIX/Oracle)


Hi list,
I am trying to install a new plateform of EnterpriseOne 8.11 on AIX 5.2 and Oracle 9.2.
I execute the plateform pack installer on the enterprise server and at the end of the installation (no error in the logs), i have only the Enterprise server installed.
Nothing was done on the database excepted the creation of the empty "system database" tablespace (DD, OL, SYS, SVM). Central Objects are not populated and tablespace for my four environment are not created.
I have selected everything in the custom mode and on the last screen, it tells me that the installation is complete but that some steps have not been done.
I have restarted installation several times and it is still the same.

Any help would be really appreciated.
Did you follow all the instructions to set the password file in oracle correctly to allow remote connections to your database as the system user ?
test a client connection to the database from the enterprise server as the system user.
I had a similar issue..
Yes i did. I am able to connect from the enterprise server and from a workstation to the database. Furthermore, the system tablespace where created so i think connexion must be ok.
Thanks for your help.
Hi ,

I have seen this happening with the Oracle database on Windows too. Did you select to install databases for all pathcodes...?

Try selecting only Pristine and say Dev first. It should install the required table spaces...if that goes thru then run the installer again to install the others...

And dont ask why this happens...am yet to figure that out.

And also just to check, you do have enough space on the hard disk..and enough space for the temp tablespace to grow..?
We finally find what was happenning.
We did not create the "user" and "temp" tablespaces when we created the database and EnterpriseOne try to write in them during installation.
Thanks for your help.