bi publisher

  1. E9.2 Send generated OneView Financial Statement (OVFS) by email

    Hello everyone. We are currently using OneView Financial Statements (P09330) and we follow the steps in order to generate a PDF output (select the Statement Definition > Select the Statement Version (in P09340) > Row > Run Statement choosing the layout and output format PDF), and then we have...
  2. XML-20121 Fatal Error End tag does not match start tag

    Hi, I tried to generate BI Publisher preview output using MY JDE BI Publisher template. for Few of the JDE XML output file it worked correctly and generate pdf output, But for attached XML file it did not process and print error. "XML-20121: (Fatal Error) End tag does not match start tag ". I...
  3. adamodar

    Excel Template - Repeat Groups that meets specific criteria

    What is the equivalent of the following RTF Template Code in Excel Template: XML will be of the following structure: The expected output will be, kind of, in the following format: Basically printing the information of multiple address numbers but the information needs to be printed only...
  4. cazzafed

    Report of all jobs that are scheduled

    Hello, In advance, sorry for my bad English. Is there a report that lists all the reports that are scheduled to run? We had a problem where the executions were stopped and we want to try to find out which reports should have been executed.... Regards...
  5. E9.2 bi publisher create invoice template

    i have a rtf template that has the header and detail section like an invoice. Everything looks fine but if there are more than one pdf page, the first page has a blank line between the header and the detail section and the rest of the pages do not. Is there a way to get rid of the blank line...
  6. E9.2 R744003 Chinese BIC Error

    Hi, I have an error that drives me cracy. I set up the CGI Payments with R744003 and it is working fine except for country code CN When the supplier has a Chinese BIC, I get an wrong BIC number error and UDC error in the work center. I disabled all BIC verification in the POs and added CN in...
  7. MFreitag

    BI Publisher - Migrating Scheduler Jobs and Job History ... on MSSQL

    So today i stumbled over this: Seriously?! Nope, not having it. So i had a look at bip_12c_scheduler_migration.sql and it didn't seem too...
  8. E9.2 Embed BI Publisher URL to CafeOne

    Hi, I'm attempting to embed a BI Publisher link into a CafeOne layout but I can't paste the entire link into the URL field. It's preventing me from passing more parameters to the form but the link verifies with no issue. I've tried this using Chrome, Firefox, IE and MS Edge and have had no...
  9. PDF to Open Immediately

    Requirement - Click a field on a custom web app to launch a UBE and have the PDF open immediately instead of forcing the user to go to submitted jobs. The UBE has a BI publisher report definition associated to it. What is the best way to do this? I assume if I map UBE to run locally (via OCM)...
  10. Mike Mackinnon

    BI Publisher Output Problem - Long Dash Converted to Question Mark

    BI Publisher Output Problem - Long Dash Display as Question Mark [Server Font Issue] I have a BI report that is generating an invoice but I am seeing some of the output data showing as a "?" within an test output field. I am trying to output the Item Description for a line and the JDE/BI...
  11. BI Publisher logo retrieved from the server file directory and referenced in RTF

    Hi, Has anyone been able to retrieve a logo image (in jpg, png, or gif format) from a server file directory, which is referenced in the RTF template? Kindly advise. Best Regards :cool:
  12. JDE BI Publisher Sequencing Issue

    BI printing is cluttered and out of sequence. The documents in question are Delivery Receipt of Goods, Advice Note & Tax Invoice. I feel the reason is that JDE is processing the load as & when scanned and is passing the printing to BI to process the print request and provide the output in an...
  13. Mike Mackinnon

    Comma Values in XML File Causing Field to Repeat

    Has anyone had a problem with the BI Publisher reporting where in the BI Publisher PDF report a value is repeating if there is either a space or a comma in the text field being outputted. For example: Customer Invoice Printing Mailing Name: NSHA Distribution Centre Address Line1: 109 Dorey Ave...
  14. Merging multiple records for the same customer into one rtf template

    Hi Please review my xml and rtf template and the results of what output I get. This is shown in the first table results in the excel file. I want the results to come out as per the second table in the excel file. What changes are required to be made to the rtf bi publisher template to achieve...
  15. JDE BI Publisher Dynamic password on .PDF Template

    I am curious if there is a way to Dynamically set the password on a Adobe .PDF Form Template like the T4's. I have done this on a .rtf using the xdo properties but am stumped on an Adobe Form
  16. Mike Mackinnon

    Trying to Display List of Items Across Page

    I am trying to list serial numbers on invoice across the page instead of listing them in a single line down the page for each item on an invoice. See the following example of what it is that I'm trying to do... Current: Item 123456 - Testing Item Price $1.50 Quantity 5.00 Extended Price...
  17. Embedded BI Publisher for JDE and dynamic page re-sizing (XSL-FO Stylesheet)

    Hi, We have a requirement from a customer to have a RTF Template for invoices to dynamically change the page size, based on the company location where it is processing. In other words, for the US location, invoices need to print with a page size="letter", whereas all other locations the...
  18. Config.cmd dies after running

    Hello I’m trying to install and configure BI publisher 12c on Windows 2012 r2 however after running rcu I’m unable to run config.cmd from bi\bin. The cmd dies after running it. Any solution friends?
  19. BI Publisher Duplex

    We are on release 9.1, and are using BI Publisher quite extensively. We have a new requirement where we have been asked to print DUPLEX (both sides of the page) for a specific form. Need some pointers on where to go to do this.
  20. Mike Mackinnon

    Problem With Fonts not Working in New Tools Release

    We are doing some testing (hoping to go live shortly!) in Tools Release 9.2 for JDE. I have some BI Publisher reports with bar coding fonts that are not working on my reports in TR9.2. We have installed the fonts on the new server and it seems to work for JDE batch applications that have the...