Standalone ODBC



I have installed Standalone Demo Xe on Windows 2000 Server. When I start the application it prompts me for Local Database connection userid & password. Checked registry seems ok. Checked Sytem DSN seems ok. Anything else to check & try?

JDBODBC718 ODB0000045 - SQLDriverConnect failed. DSN: OneWorld Local
JDBODBC719 ODBC Error - Undefined database failure.
. - SQLSTATE: 00000
jdb_drvm647 JDB9900164 - Failed to connect to OneWorld Local

XE, 2000 server, access 2000, VS C++, etc

Need Help badly

First, check your jde.ini under DB System Settings and make sure your trying to get to the correct data base. Secondly, check your ODBCs and make sure they're correct as well. You should be trying to hit your Access Database locally for everything in Demo.
Make sure your environment is DEMOB73 and the userID is DEMO. You'll get that little sign-on box if the environment is wrong, I know that much.
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