Update 7 install


I'm on SP18.1 and Update 5. Trying to run the install off the Cds but getting an error on the installation.

Error message: Setup failed-The error reported by the operation system is "The file cold not be acccessed." Please run setup again.

I have never seen this before and couldn't located the install log anywhere to identify the file it was referring to.

Any idea? or suggestion?

Hello Ktran,
Try to reboot your computer and start again. If it doesn't help, check the CD itself. It might have scratches. I met that once.

Sun, Oracle 8i, XE, SP18
tried rebooting but will try cleaning the CD. Looks like it almost finished the install with "Final configuration" then the error message pops up!
KTran :

Try copying the CD to a temporary folder on the Deployment, and run it from

Sebastian Sajaroff

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Ktran [mailto:[email protected]]
Enviado el: Martes, 08 de Abril de 2003 03:38 p.m.
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: Update 7 install

I'm on SP18.1 and Update 5. Trying to run the install off the Cds but
getting an error on the installation.

Error message: Setup failed-The error reported by the operation system is
"The file cold not be acccessed." Please run setup again.

I have never seen this before and couldn't located the install log anywhere
to identify the file it was referring to.

Any idea? or suggestion?

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Sounds like some of your files have been marked as read-only on the deployment server. I ran into this during a SP install. It would get about 90% complete and fail. I checked file mod dates until I found the approximate folder the install stopped at. Then it was trial and error figuring out which files where read-only.

Good Luck

I wonder if it's sharing violation? The B7333 directory was unshare by my NT admin. I went in and shared it out with full permission but still had the same problem.
ok - if this is happening on the VERY very end of the installation - where 100% completes, and it has a problem with the last final file - then it is almost certainly due to the OneWorld Client Listener running on your Deployment Server <??why is the client listener running on the deployment server??> - or at least something else that is similarly running. If the CD goes through 100% and then pops up with an error at the end - you are probably ok to go with the ASU Update.

If, on the other hand, you run any type of ESU or ASU from the SAME drive as where OneWorld is installed - then I usually see this error frequently. Best to move the ASU/ESU to a DIFFERENT drive. However - it sounds like you're running from the CD, so this shouldn't be an issue.
Re: RE: Update 7 install


This is not related to this thread, but in one of your earlier posts you mentioned, you have 'DISABLED' creation of user overrides, could you tell me how you did that.

It will be of immense help if you could share this.
