SP23 install - Can't get out of the starting gate! Help!

Bob Duben

SP23 install - Can\'t get out of the starting gate! Help!

Started the SP23_O install on the Deployment server and I have run into some sort of recursive feature.
I run the InstallManager.exe and choose ServicePack Install
An error box comes up and states that it can't run until the following programs are stopped. InstallManager.EXE ans Setup.EXE in otherwords itself???

I tried a reboot and clean run with the same error.
I will take any and all suggestions since as always this must be done by Monday 2am PST.

Thanks in advance.
President Pro Tem of the Overworked and Underpaid CNC Afficionados
Re: SP23 install - Can\'t get out of the starting gate! Help!


Create a TEMP folder under JDEdwardsOneWorld, copy there the EXE and run it from this directory. It should work then.

It's always been the case (maybe on and off in some SP's) and from memory, this process above was actually documented somewhere in the guide.
Re: SP23 install - Can\'t get out of the starting gate! Help!

Thanks Alex.
That was it!!!
I just moved the whole SP directory outside of the B7333 structure and it worked.
Re: SP23 install - Can\'t get out of the starting gate! Help!

Also avoid installing SP23.O1, it has some problems with it, jump strait to SP23.N1, this will save you alot of time and suffering. Also if you are moving from SP21 there is an extra ESU that needs to be installed.
Re: SP23 install - Can\'t get out of the starting gate! Help!

SP23_O2 is out so that is what I installed.
So far I'm up and running.

Thanks guys!
Re: SP23 install - Can\'t get out of the starting gate! Help!

cool. I would also have suggested putting the SP23 file onto a different drive and running the install from there, like from the c:\temp directory or something.

I'd love to know more info about your SP23_O2 experiences - please share knowledge about stability/package build reliability and if you are using interoperability (xmlCallObject) whenever you get a chance. I am personally a little leery about installing O2 because of the O1 difficulties....
Re: SP23_O2 Install

Facing any problem / Issues with SP23_O2? Pls share. I am planning to upgrate to SP23_O2
Re: SP23 install - Can\'t get out of the starting gate! Help!

I'd like to bump this thread, I see 2 other requests for SP23_O2 info, with no responses, can anyone post experiences? NT and AS/400 servers here.
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