Xe & 8.10 Multi-Foundation on iSeries AS400



Reputable Poster
We installed 8.10 alongside our Xe install. Anyone try this yet and have these problems?

1. In Xe we have Multi-Foundations setup. Since the 8.10 install, our Service Pack foundation kernels fail to attach to a log. They create a log with a single line that reads "INFO: Done setting IPC Handle State structures to abandoned. Process exiting.". These logs do not match the PID number. Our production foundation does not have a problem, so I rebuilt the SP foundation from it and still have a problem. Very strange. I don't see any IPC conflicts. All of my foundations are spaced with a 2000 count apart. I didn't notice any conflicts in the IPCS application.

2. We have various problems with our ONEWORLD profile login. It seems like the JDEOW is hardcoded in the BV3C. The issue that concerns me most is the LINKBSFN fails in the Xe environment. I haven't explored all possbilities with this yet, but I have tried pointing a ONEWORLDXE profile to a JDEOWXE lib and renaming the JDEOWXE lib back to JDEOW.

Anyone have these problems and resolve them?


I would not recommend co-existence with 8.x and XE... there are just too many BSFN and File Changes... tooooo many.

Many of the underlying functions have changed - to the point of no recognition (just what you want to hear about, MBF changes).... Many of the primary files are, also, changed so much that functions, I/O, and Views from XE will not work with them.

Use GREAT caution in co-existing between the two!


Thanx for the warning. It wasn't my idea to be coresident with Xe and 8.10. Just temporarily until we can get migrated. But then, someone said "We're not migrating". So now, I may have to support it. Unless I can get it installed on their own box.

Hi Doug,

1. I'm having the same problem, my suspicion is that
E810SYS/CLRIPC is killing both 8.10 and Xe IPCs.
When I run CLRIPC, I have to stop both E810 and Xe
to get a clean startup.
2. That didn't work to me. Had to backup and restore
different JDEOWs (one JDEOW for Xe, the other one for 810).

I've got XE and 8.10 to run on a iSeries without any issues between the two. One of the things you need to always keep track of though, is where you are running your commands from. Remember, there's now 2 endnet and 2 clripc commands. You either need to rmvlible B733XSYS and addlible E8XSYS, or run the commands from the correct library. You've also done the other important thing, ensure IPC ranges don't conflict. I'm sure you already have this, but also ensure that the port is different for the two installations.


I've had similar issues in the past with Multiple Foundation on the AS/400. It's been a little while since I played with OW native code on the 400, but if my memory serves me well, when you bring down the subsystems, be sure to use the SBS parameter:


My 2 cents CAD,