Database Operation Failed


Well Known Member
Hi List,

Here's my problem: I have a custom Headerless Detail form that I created over a custom detail file. I have two keys (key1 & key2) as the filter and, two keys (key3 & key4) on the grid. Before testing the Headerless Detail form it was determined that one of the keys (key1) had to be lengthened from 15 to 20. I changed the custom DD item (key1) to 20, dropped by detail file from the DB, regened the custom detail file, regened the indexes, regened the business view, made some cosmetic changes to the Headerless Detail form, saved the app and finally, loged off/on for good measure. Now, no matter what I do I cannot add/update records via the custom Headerless Detail form. I keep get the following error: "Error unknown to translation API - Database operation failed. Please contact your OneWorld Administrator." I looked at JDEDEBUG.LOG and the SQL INSERT statement looks perfect. Anybody have any suggestions/ideas on why this would be failing?

Sure... re-create the fields, of the new BSVW to on your form.

Here might be the issue. If you changed the fields, the form doesn't (dynamically) know about it... neither does the grid...

It might make the insert happier if the fields are the same type/name/same...

Thanks for you input Dan. Unfortunately, I already did this. In fact, I think I've done everything short of destroying the form & recreating it. I'd hate to do that though.

Update: I destroyed and recreated the form and I'm still having the same problem!
Update: I think there were some corrupt records out there causing the problem because I cleared out all of the custom files my application was using and the problem went away. Weird stuff.