Installing 8.0 Standalone on Vista


Reputable Poster
Has anyone been able to successfully install an XE/8.0 standalone client on Windows Vista yet? It appears to have installed okay, but after trying to log in I get an error saying the license is invalid before I even get to generate a license key.

You cannot run OneWorld standalone on Vista. No matter what version.

Try using VirtualPC or VMWare and install WinXP or Win2K in the virtual machine - then install standalone.

There are a number of alerts about using OneWorld with Vista - including one that was just published on here a couple of hours ago.
Vista does not support MSDE 2000 and also has security issues on the files. So if the E1 Standalone is built on MSDE 2005, then we can install it on Vista. Vista supports MSDE 2005.
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