eGenerator failing


Active Member
JDE OneWrold 8.10 on win2k3 n eGenerator generation to database is soon as i hit the connect button error is thrown : "Missing Indices on DB"

errors are thrown in dos window:

JAS Connection established

Checking Database indicies
Error Message: <Errors on JAS: >, Error list: :
szError: SVPX03
alphaDescriptionTemplate: Unknow Exception
errorLevel: 1
idItem: -1

Error Message: <Errors on JAS: >, Error list: :
szError: SVPX03
alphaDescriptionTemplate: Unknow Exception
errorLevel: 1
idItem: -1

If anybody knows the solution Please let me know.
Check your jdbj.ini file and make sure your connecting to the right F989998/F98999 i.e. the database tables instead of attempting to connecting to local tables. Which tools release are you on ?
Hi nabk,
I checked my jdbj.ini seems to be correct..I am copying it below ..please have a look at it and let me know if you find anything wrong.
I am on tools release 3 - version 8.10
# jdbj.ini - JDBj configuration
# This file contains configuration information for JDBj, which provides
# general database access capabilities on behalf of J.D. Edwards Java
# solutions.

# OneWorld specific information
# These sections apply only when accessing OneWorld data. These
# sections are ignored for standalone database access.

# Bootstrap session
# This information is used to sign on to provide access to system
# tables. JDBj signs this user on via the security server at bootstrap-
# time, so if it is not valid, then no OneWorld database access is
# possible.
# NOTES: * This information in this section should match the
# corresponding information specified in the
# [DB SYSTEM SETTINGS] section of this installation's JDE.INI
# file.


# Bootstrap physical data source
# This defines the data source where the OCM and some other system
# tables reside. JDBj uses this at bootstrap time and later to look up
# OCM entries on demand. If it is not valid, then no OneWorld database
# access is possible.
# Here is a description of each field in this section:
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# Field Description Applies to
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# name The data source name. This is not that All
# important for bootstrap connections,
# but it does show up in error messages
# and the log.
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# databaseType The database type. One of the All
# following:
# I = AS/400
# O = Oracle
# S = SQL Server
# W = UDB
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# server The server (i.e. the host). AS/400,
# SQL Server
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# database The database. Oracle, UDB
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# serverPort The server port. SQL Server
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# physicalDatabase The physical database (used as library AS/400,
# qualifier for AS/400). SQL Server
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# owner The owner. Oracle,
# SQL Server,
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# lob Supports lobs. Oracle,
# AS/400
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# unicode Performs unicode conversion. SQL Server
# ---------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
# NOTES: * This information in this section should match the
# corresponding information specified in the
# [DB SYSTEM SETTINGS] section of this installation's JDE.INI
# file.

name=System - 810
# Bootstrap spec data source (Optional)
# This defines the data source where the serialized spec tables reside.
# JDBj uses this at bootstrap time and after to look up serialized spec
# objects on demand. If this section is not specified, then JDBj will
# use the OCM to find the serialized spec table. If it is not valid, no
# OneWorld database access is possible.
# See the description for "Bootstrap physical data source" above for
# information about which fields must be filled in for a given database
# platform.

name=Central Objects - DV810

# END - OneWorld specific information
# The rest of the sections apply when accessing OneWorld and standalone
# data.

# JDBC drivers
# This defines JDBC drivers and JDBC specific settings.


;tns=E:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\installedApps\ps0750\EA_JS_81_ps0750.ear\webclient.war/WEB-INF/tnsnames.ora



# Connection pool settings
# These are used only when J2EE connection pooling is not available.


# JDBj Runtime properties
# These are all optional. They correspond to system runtime properties
# applicable to JDBj logical connections.
# NOTES: * In each case, the values listed are the defaults. The
# template default entries are commented out. Make sure
# and remove the pound sign (#) when changing these values.


; Data cache entry size threshold property. Sets the maximum
; size (in rows) for a single entry in the data cache. If a
; potential entry exceeds this threshold, then it will not be
; cached. -1 indicates that all eligible entries should be
; cached.
; Valid values: -1 or greater

# dataCacheEntrySizeThreshold=500

; Data cache entry threshold property. Sets the maximum size (in
; entries) for the data cache. If the data cache exceeds this
; size, then the least recently used entries are removed to
; make room for the new entry. -1 indicates that there is no
; maximum.
; Valid values: -1 or greater

# dataCacheEntryThreshold=100

; Force single data source property. Indicates whether JDBj
; should force operations involving multiple database objects to
; run against a single data source. If this is true, JDBj will
; only resolve the physical data source for the first database
; object involved in a given operation. Otherwise, JDBj will
; resolve physical data sources for all database objects and
; throw an exception if a single operation spans multiple data
; sources.
; Valid values: true, false

# forceSingleDataSource=false

; No where paren property. Certain TableIO system function
; queries require a long list of selections in the where clause
; without any intermediate parentheses. Specifying a composite
; selections alone for this case creates intermediate
; parentheses. If this property is set to a true then the JDBj
; will create SQL without any intermediate parenetheses.
; Valid values: true, false

# noWhereParen=false

; Result set timeout property. Sets the the number of
; milliseconds for the result set timeout. A result set will
; timeout if it has not had any operations for a period of time.
; Valid values: -1 or greater

# resultSetTimeout=60000

; Retry interval property. Sets the interval (in milliseconds)
; to wait before retrying idempotent database operations. -1
; means not to retry, 0 means retry immediately.
; Valid values: -1 or greater

# retryInterval=0

; Retry maximum property. Sets the number of times to retry
; idempotent database operations. -1 means to retry
; indefinitely.
; Valid values: -1 or greater

# retryMaximum=5

; Spec consistency check property. Sets the level of spec
; consistency checking. Set this property to a higher level to
; improve exception messages relating to spec inconsistency
; problems. Set this to a lower level when it is not needed
; since it may degrade performance.
; Valid values: full, minimal, none

# specConsistencyCheck=minimal

; Transaction isolation property. Sets the isolation level to be
; used for transactions.
; Valid values: default, none, read uncommitted, read committed,
; repeatable read, serializable

# transactionIsolation=default

; Transaction timeout property. Sets the number of milliseconds
; for the transaction timeout. A transaction will timeout if it
; has not had any operations for a period of time. If this
; timeout is set to a -1 then the transaction timeout feature
; will be disabled. (This currently only happens when JDBj is
; run as part of a JAS transaction.)
; Valid values: -1 or greater

# transactionTimeout=120000

; Trigger auto fetch property. Indicates whether JDBj should
; automatically fetch rows to be changed in order to pass them
; to OneWorld triggers. This is needed for certain triggers to
; work properly.
; Valid values: true, false

# triggerAutoFetch=false

; Updatable result set timeout property. Sets the the number of
; milliseconds for the updatable result set timeout. An
; updatable result set will timeout if it has not had any
; operations for a period of time. -1 indicates that updatable
; result sets should have the same value as RESULT_SET_TIMEOUT.
; Valid values: -1 or greater

# updatableResultSetTimeout=-1

; Usage execution threshold property. Sets the expected maximum
; time (in milliseconds) for a single database operation to
; execute. If a single database operation takes longer than this
; threshold, then the statement and time will be logged as part
; of usage tracking.
; Valid values: 0 or greater

# usageExecutionThreshold=20000

; Usage fetch size threshold property. Sets the expected maximum
; fetch size (in rows) for a single fetch to return. If a single
; fetch returns more than than this threshold, then the actual
; fetch size will be logged as part of usage tracking. -1
; indicates that any fetch size is valid.
; Valid values: -1 or greater

# usageFetchSizeThreshold=500

; Usage result set open threshold property. Sets the expected
; maximum time (in milliseconds) for a result set to remain
; open. If a result set is left open longer than this threshold,
; then the result set and time will be logged as part of usage
; tracking. This does not automatically close the result set. A
; usage result set open threshold value of -1 indicates that no
; such usage tracking will occur.
; Valid values: -1 or greater

# usageResultSetOpenThreshold=60000

; Usage tracking property. Enables or disables usage tracking.
; This provides additional tracking and logging to use during
; testing. Usage tracking does incur a performance penalty so it
; should be disabled for production code.
; Valid values: true, false

# usageTracking=false

; Usage tracking output property. Specifies the destination of
; usage tracking output.
; Valid values: log, exception

# usageTrackingOutput=log

; Usage transaction active threshold property. Sets the expected
; maximum time (in milliseconds) for a transaction to remain
; active. If a transaction is left active longer than this
; threshold, then the transaction and time will be logged as
; part of usage tracking. This does not automatically rollback
; the transaction. A usage transaction active threshold value of
; -1 indicates that no such usage tracking will occur.
; Valid values: -1 or greater

# usageTransactionActiveThreshold=120000


Your errors are pretty generic but try and make the following changes in your JDBj.INI:

1 - Comment this whole section: This way you will force the eGenerator to use OCM instead of the INI.
#name=Central Objects - DV810

2 - You should increase your MaxConnection to 100 instead of 5. 5 is ok for eGenerator on a local client but to generate on the DB server 100 will actually improve the performance.

3- Comment out the DB drivers you do not use. i believe you use Oracle so it should look like this;

Bounce your server and give it a try!

We receive this error all the time. I asked our JDE/PeopleSoft/Oracle consultant about it some time ago. If I remember correctly, this error apparently gets thrown when it can't log onto the database directly to retrieve the table indexes, even though a JAS connection is established via JDE.

Just click OK. There is nothing to worry about. Generation will take place without any problem.
We were able to solve the problem. For the sake of others I am writing how the problem is solved.
The Missing Indices problem was solved ( or made hidden to me ,I dont know !!) with the -nodiag option ..
Also there was certain "invalid Parameters Error" while actual insertion of data was due to the older versions of the JDBC drivers.I am on Oracle and the that comes with the installation is older.I downloaded the latest file from Oracle site and problem was resolved.
hi abhi,

I also faced this Problem and problem is solved by the -nodiag option.When we use this option with gen.bat its not run the diagonstic tool so u can easily generate the serialized objects.

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