Workflow distribution lists

  • Thread starter Frosty the Coder
  • Start date

Frosty the Coder

Legendary Poster

I'm trying to set up workflow in which messages start at a clerk (w/in a business unit), and get escalated to the business unit manager, district manager, and regional manager.

I'm using the ab# for the business unit as the "Parent Number".
I've created a new udc entry for my "Structure type".

I can create the dist list for the FIRST business unit w/out a problem. When I try to create the dist list for the 2nd bus unit, I'm told that "a user cannot be in the same structure type for more than one parent number" as my district & regional mgrs were setup under the 1st bus unit.

I can see the workaround of setting up a diff structure type for each bus unit, but that just doesn't feel right.

Has anyone setup workflow dist lists to handle a
store/district/regional manager scenario?

