E9.2 Can B4000350 find if an account exists?

Felipe Vidal

Active Member
Hi, I might be using the wrong BSFN.
What I want to know is what I can use to get the correct account number after inputting parameters in F4095, considering Flexible Accounting.

This is, I would be inputting in the BSFN the Company, the Document Type & the GL Class, but sometimes the Company is "00000" or the GLC is "****". I'm assuming there is a BSFN that already does that, which I can just call as well.

So I would be inputting my parameters normally (Business Unit, Document Type & GLC) & this BSFN just throws me whether the account exists or not.

I use this

XX0901 Validate Account Number.
Pass in szAccountNumber from the MCU.OBJ.SUB you got from F4095 (below) and then call XX0901 and cBasedOnFormat= 2
check szAccountID comes back something other than 00000000


F4095.FetchSingle [Index 1: Table Number, Company, +]
VA rpt_F4095_ANUM_mnAAI [ANUM] = TK Number - AAI Table Number [ANUM]
VA rpt_F4111_KCO_szCompany [KCO] = TK Company [CO]
VA rpt_F4095_DCT_szDocTypeAAI [DCT] = TK Document Type [DCT]
VA rpt_F4111_GLC_szGLoffsetCode [GLC] = TK Category - G/L [GLPT]
VA rpt_F4095_MCU_szCostCent [MCU] <- TK Business Unit [MCU]
VA rpt_F4095_OBJ_szObject [OBJ] <- TK Object Account [OBJ]
VA rpt_F4095_SUB_szSub [SUB] <- TK Subsidiary [SUB]

VA rpt_F4095_ANI_4330_Account [ANI] <- szAccountNumber [ANI]
VA rpt_F4095_MCU_szCostCent [MCU] -> szDatabaseBusinessUnit [MCU]
VA rpt_F4095_OBJ_szObject [OBJ] -> szDatabaseObject [OBJ]
VA rpt_F4095_SUB_szSub [SUB] -> szDatabaseSubsidiary [SUB]