Upgrade 810 - Problem with Financial Report

Christophe M


We have migrated several Financial Report from an XE version to an 8.10 version.
When we enter in the report design everything seems to be correct (no error when validating event rules, every fields have been rapatried).
However when testing these reports, no datas appear on the pdf.
We try to delete every properties defined for the row (inclusion, underline...) and the report works well (datas correct on the pdf). However the pdf doesn't look the way we want to (presentation).
Has anybody ever encountered this problem for financial report when migrating to 8.10 ?

NB : when i have a look to the font override property for my rows, there is no font type and no font size defined. I can't fill in ones. Maybe is it the reason of my problem?
Just a couple things to consider.

The SmartFields are controlled by Business Functions - and the criteria for several of the functions (the Data Structure) has changed. In some cases, the functions now require 'previously' un-required values.

Additionally, some of the views have changed (the V83... things). If the sequence of the view is altered from what it was in XE - all the subsequently used values will need to be re-connected in the functions' data structures. This is, actually, easily fixed. If you right-click on the column and do a 'change smartfield' - the process of walking through the changes (without actually changing anything) will re-align the fields (BC and PO) within the functions.


As we migrate from 3.2 to 8.10, we have also an strange problem with financial UBE. One of theym shutdown without any reason and we have to restart the server, or station if working localy. When debugging, we found nothing. So we decide to rebuild a new UBE copy point to point of the first, it work fine.
I have no explanation but if this can help you.