Select between


Active Member
Is there a equivalent to a "where between" statement in One World? My problem is this. To speed up a statement report i made a BSWV with F0901/F0911/F0006 in it and to print transactions per account it work fine. But they do not want to print account with no transactions and no balance forward but wants to print accounts with no transactions and balance forward. So i use a left outer join (all accounts) and want to check if that account has any transactions before the account data is written (it is a level break header). I could use a custom section to check transaction occurence but from what i've heard Table ios are faster but i cant find a way to do a select statement with for example a Date range on >,<,= etc etc but not between. Is there any way around this??
There a few ways you can manipulate your table I-O in conjunction with your programming logic. If you use table I-O, you may use the SELECT advance operation and pick the table or BSVW that you want to set your key fields, like =, <, >, <=, => or <>. The SELECT table I-O advance operation acts like the SQL Select statement that allows you filter records prior retrieving values (>, <, = and etc.). Or you can create variables and use the SELECT advance operation to read the value from the file/BSVW and store them in the variables for logic/condition evaluation.
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