
Amit Jeswani

Hi Friends

I am using XPI/webMethods 6.1 & EnterpriseOne Adapter, I want to create SalesOrder through XPI/webMethods, can anyone tell procedure or method to insert a salesOrder. I want to use SalesOrder BSFN/MBF's.

There are two ways how you can accomplish that.
1st: using a predefined XPB for the sales orders or
2nd: create your own BSFN in OneWorld which Calls the
Sales Order Master BSFN's to create the SO for you.

In each case you have to create an XPI/WebMethods integration for the OneWorld Adapter which calls your XPB or your function.

This is a very high level OverView - let me know if you need more details.
Hi Buddy
Thanks for your input. Can pls dwell some details on the XBP you mentioned and also if you could tell the procedure for using Sales MBF. Is here any XPB already existing. Are there any pre-requesits of service packs for OneWorld-Xe. I am using webMethods 6.1 / EnterpriseOne Adapter.
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