Report is not being called via RI


Hi all,
I am facing this strange problem and we can keep on searching till the end of days, but it seams we are not going to find out. Perhaps one of you could help me.
In report R42520 (- print pick slip) a custom report will be called via a PO in which the version of the custom report can be keyed in. If this version is not equal to blank AND not equal to null (=if statement), the custom report should be called.
This works fine in all our environments for as well Fat as Thin (ternminal server) client, BUT for web server this doesn't seam to work.
We took a look at the debug log of the web server; the If/while statement (see above) was not be met, so the report will not be called at all. The PO version was not filled for the report, though it was filled in the report version.

All use the same data and the same objects (only the ones on the web have been generated)
I checked all version details but I couldn't find anything, why PO values could be blank.
Perhaps one of you knows,

Thanks in advance,
Kind regards,

Stan van Lammeren
JDE developer
OneWorld XE, SP20, Update 6, Windows 2000, SQL server

What data selections do you have on the first UBE? The second UBE might not inherit the data selections of the calling UBE.

PO Print (R43500) has a similar processing option, but the second UBE will only work if it is based on a copy R43501.

I hope this helps,

Tim Edwards Xe 18.1
I'm wondering that after you've added the new parameter in the PO, perhaps this Version has not been 'pushed' to the web server. Perhaps it needs to be built/deployed to the server?

Boris Goldenberg
JDE Consultant
Thanks for your response,
The version on the web server are all up to date. This is not the issue.
Hello Stan,
There were a lot of issues with Processing Options (See Tips & Traps, Downloads, Archives ...) and it seems to me that we'll have to deal with'em for some more time :)
I would enforce Zoltan's suggestion: create an intermediate ER Variable to capture the PO! Say:
VA rpt_MyPO = PO xxx
And, then, use (only) the variable.
And, then, please let us know how is it working.
Warm regards,
Adrian Chimirel
Adrian / all,
I entered the proposed solution, and still the PO's (or in this case: the variables) do not meet the test.

This will only occur with developments on standard JDE applications.
Does any of you know if in report spec a template is defined, which I have to overwrite with a new template definition?

OneWorld XE, SP20, Update 6, Windows 2000, SQL server