Report Interconnect variables returning nothing


I am working on two custom UBEs in the fat client. One UBE (let's call it R58A)calls and retrieves values from the other UBE (let's call it R58B)via a report interconnect. R58A calls R58B. The values that I pass from R58A to R58B work correctly.Both UBEs run and both reports get produced. My problem is with the values that I am trying to pass from R58B to R58A. I get nothing back. When I debug, I see that R58B populates the RI variables correctly. The RI variables should populate some report variables in R58A - but they have no value (UNKOWN in the debugger, not zero or "". I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?
I've attached some code/screenshots.


  • 157341-RI.doc
    148 KB · Views: 127
judging from the name of the section and the presence of PC-variables in the ER, it looks like you're populating the RIs in a lvl brk ftr section. is the debugger-shot from the final pass? if not: did you check the values of the Open Amount RVs in the final pass? (since those are the values you'll be returning).
ok, so 1st & final pass. and i had already noticed you're calling the ube synchroneously, so that's not the problem either. hm, beats me, can't think of anything else right now (apart maybe from stuff like corrupt versions).

speaking of corrupt versions: as a quick test, you could try a new (temp) version of the calling ube. just to make sure. it's just a suggestion, not based on anything.
Have you consider calling a conditional section instead of calling a separate UBE?

Also, try using VA variables instead of RV and see how it works.

One last thing, save and exit OW. Sign back on and this time run er debugger for only those 2 UBEs. Remove any other UBEs you're not debugging.

Good luck.
Thanks for the idea, but I'm still stuck. I created a new UBE to call the second program, and although the second program processes correctly (just like the first), I don't get my return values back. They become "UNKOWN", even though before the call the value of those variables is O. Any other thoughts?
Thanks for the input. I couldn't, in a reasonable amount of time, duplicate the code that is in the second program - it's very complex code (and I shouldn't have to try). I did try changing to VA variables, but it made no difference. I think the key is that the values that get returned are Unknown instead of just 0, but that's just a hunch. Any other ideas would be appreciated.
I'm almost at the point where I'll just work around it and create a temp table that gets written to in the second program, and read by the first, after the call. It just seems like such a waste to do it that way - but I can't keep trying and failing to get the information I need.
Hi elbyowl,

Have you already try to delete the well known spec file in the spec folder?
To be on the safe side, after the deletion:
- check-out or get both UBE again
- open the caller UBE
- open the UBE interconnect call and press OK
- save the UBE

By the way, I miss your release, SP/TS level as well as yourplatform information.


It very much sounds like the UBE is being launched Asynchronous. Your screen shot attachment shows that is not selected though, right?
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