Re:Problem creating intercompany entries with new ledger typ


Active Member
Re:problem creating intercompany entries with new ledger typ

Thanks for the responses.

To answer the suggestions specifically, we did not add the new ledger type
to UDC 00/LT or 09/LP. On checking these UDCs out, we noted that we do not
have the AA ledger type set up in these and have had no problems with AA.

In addition, we did some further testing and found a workaround by posting
entries to the new ledger type in OneWorld Xe (although we normally do all
our online and batch G/L postings in World). Posting in OneWorld generated
the intercompany entries we were expecting. Our assumption is that the G/L
post program in World does not use the ledger type rules in the F0025 file,
but the OneWorld program does.

Thanks again.

Coexistent - World A7.3 cum11/X3 and OneWorld Xe B7333 SP15/fix_006

RGoff <[email protected]> on 19/04/2002
04:18:55 PM