Paper vs ESU vs CUME


Legendary Poster
After a few years of JDE experience, yu'd have thought I'd understand all this stuff.... Here I go, blasting another question...

A paper fix targets a couple objects (strategic)

An ESU can target a few to many (hundreds) of objects (broad)

A BaseLine targets a module (HR, Payroll, Manufacturing...)

A CUME targets everything...

Are there objects in a CUME that are not available in the BaseLine or previous ESU - meaning, are there objects that only get updated/added during a CUME?

Question being, we are being asked why we are not taking CUMEs - and our response has been that we are taking ESUs and BaseLines, in order to prevent the developers from going through retrofit hades... If we were to take a CUME - all modified objects would have to be reviewed/retrofited... whereas, by taking ESUs and BaseLines - we target when/what has to be reviewed/retrofited...

Thus, we keep being told that there are objects that are fixed or new within CUMEs that are not available by ESU or BaseLine... is this true, and why? (if it is true, I have some assumptions why - but I'd like a 'real' answer).

