P4312 too large to compile


<font color="blue"> I recently ran into a problem with the receiving program P4312 not compiling even though I set the Generation Severity Level to 21. My change to P4312 consisted of a field size change. Even the original JDE program does not compile. As it turns out the program has too many I/O operations. I resolved this problem by making a copy of the C0001 copy member which by the way contains 6 CHAIN operations to I0003. All 6 of these CHAIN operations are identical. I created a subroutine to perform the CHAIN and replaced all 6 CHAIN's with a call to the new subroutine. The P4312 program now compiles. Happy days are here again!
<font color="red"> I should also add that I changed P4312 to use the new copy member. Sorry for not mentioning it earlier. </font>
I am not sure what release you are at, but this program should be an
RPGL program and then you would not have this constraint. And the Gen
Level would be a 20 and not a 21.

I also had the same problem, and what I do was to delete those fields detected as *7031 in the post list. There are are a lot of this working fields related to the subroutine S988 that arent used in the program

good luck

Jim_rubino <[email protected]> escribió:
I am not sure what release you are at, but this program should be an
RPGL program and then you would not have this constraint. And the Gen
Level would be a 20 and not a 21.

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