MPS/MRP Message


Well Known Member
Hi Lists,
Does anyone has the idea, or where can get the information, about the solid logic how the message in MPS/MRP are generated ? We face the problems some undergoing WOs are suggested "cancelled" and some POs suggested "decrease" with new PO messages created which we can simply split the original PO.
We have tried some possibilities but tired of getting new messages we did not think of. Anyone can help ? Thanks !
We have been experiencing the same on the World side. There are messages
for the same day to defer, decrease, and even expedite, all on the same day.
I understand when it does it on different days, but not the same day. I'm
interested in any help on this as well.

Mike McCulloch
Business Practices-Project Manager
Southern States Coop
Hi John,

The MRP messages are generated in order to match excatly the need.Let me take an example.

a)Run the R3483 or R3482:

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3
Forecast 1000 1000 1000
Stock 0 0 0
Message WO 1000 1000 1000

b) you decide to group WO and make them firm orders then run the R3483 again:

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3
Forecast 1000 1000 1000
Stock 0 0 0
Firm WO 2000 1000 0

Then messages will be generated that wil indicate you:

1) To decrease the firm WO (period 1) to 1000 in order to match excatly with the forecast
2) A new WO message will indicate you to produce 1000 on the 3rd period.

It is a very simple example. You must known that many parameters given to the article or processing options of the R3483 might have influence on the results.

Best regards.

Best Regards
Gildas Struillou
OW Xe SP15 Upgrade 1
Unix Aix / Oracle
NT / Citrix