JDE Licensing


There is no SPC required while installing E1 9.0.How is the license limit tracked by Oracle?
As you suspect, there is nothing in the software that enforces your license limit. That is what the Oracle License Audit is for when they come to visit ...
Thanks for the reply.But what if someone downloads the software from edelivery and uses it without paying for it.any ideas how this can be tracked?
Well, here's one way (link to thread on Oracle "sniffing" technology).

Besides which, the person who did such a thing would probably have no access to Oracle support (else, why steal?) which would cut them off from ESUs and Tools Release fixes.

And there is the infamous case of TomorrowNow where Oracle won $1.3 billion against SAP for TomorrowNow's unauthorized downloading and use of Oracle software.
Here's the thing...you have the ability to download and use the software in a test environment (for 30 days if I remember the license) - but you have to pay for production / commercial use. Given the nature of the software, and the recent win by oracle vs tomorrownow - who wouldn't be honest with the software? You're storing your companies financial information in that software! If oracle comes and audits you, you'll be liable for the software price at FULL cost - not discounted cost - together with all back-maintenance - and you'd have a cease and decist notice until it's paid. What IT person would dare to put their company at that kind of risk?

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