Inventory Valuation 'as of reporting' E1 8.12/8.98


Inventory Valuation \'as of reporting\' E1 8.12/8.98


I'm running E1 8.12/8.98 and have had a request for an Inventory Valuation report such as R41590 but as at a certain date.

Basically we would like to be able to say 'on the 1st May 2009 our inventory value was xxxx.xx'

I have looked at Item ledger As of Generation but am not sure this is any use to me.

Does anyone have any ideas?
Re: Inventory Valuation \'as of reporting\' E1 8.12/8.98

You're not going to get the amount of data you get from the R41590, but you can create a report from the As Of file to get your inventory balance as of a certain date by part. When you run the Item As Of Generation, it populates monthly buckets in the As Of file. It's used to reconcile the item ledger with the G/L.
Re: Inventory Valuation \'as of reporting\' E1 8.12/8.98

Its not readily available. I did this mod some years back. As said in earlier post you can get the Opening for the month and then run thru transaction to get balance as of date.

hope this helps.

Re: Inventory Valuation \'as of reporting\' E1 8.12/8.98

The way we do this is run ASOF Generation (R41542) every night and then run a custom UBE that is a simple Excel output by Item, Branch, Location, Lot. The accountants keep these spreadsheets so they can go back as needed.

Not an elegant solution, but an effective one.
