E9.2 R03B4201B - A/R Details with Aging showing partial payments after As-Of date


We recently upgraded to and noticed we are running into something strange while running the A/R Details with Aging - R03B4201B report.

If an invoice date is before the As-Of date, but a partial payment is made after the As-Of date (based on the G/L date of the payment), the payment will show up for that invoice on the report. Obviously if the report is run after the as-of date.

Below are steps for an invoice that a customer paid in two installments – arranged chronologically by date I ran report/credit card payment dates:

1 – 2/29 subledger report that I ran on 3/1 – outstanding amount of highlighted invoice is $7,815.00
2 – Application of a credit card payment that was applied to the invoice in question on 3/4
3 –2/29 subledger report that I ran on 3/6 – outstanding amount of highlighted invoice is $3,907.50 (so it reflects the payment made on 3/4 – which it should not)
4 - Application of a credit card payment that was applied to the invoice in question on 3/11 (invoice is now paid in full)
5 – 2/29 subledger report that I ran on 4/3 – outstanding amount of highlighted invoice is $7,815.00 (it is now back to the original amount of invoice)

So it appears that the error on report is being driven by issue is with invoices that have been partially paid (partial payment occurred after the As-Of/Aging date)… but once said invoice has been paid in full – it no longer causes an issue on the report.

I looked at a handful of other transactions for different accounts involving partial payments and it’s the same issue…