get term right


Well Known Member
what actually are data source, environment and spec? i still blur of these 2.
in manual, it says data source is to define database required(where table reside) and logic machines(where ow executes logic objects).
my question is, data source just to DEFINE only? and ocm tell ow where data resides and where processing occurs. What is the different between these 2?

What about environment which consists of ocm and path code?

What about spec? what spec contains? Why need this spec and for what?

i dun quite get them rite. Pls help.
Thanks alot
I always found it very strange that JDE used one term, datasource, for two different concepts.
To call a place where data resides a ´datasource´ is ok with me. But to call a place where logic runs ´datasource´ as well goes against what the language (wording) suggests.
OCM it the mechanism that replies the question where a certain tables is supposed to be, in what datasource. The OCM is used as well to answer the question where logic should execute. Different question, same kind of answer: such and such datasource. It really is hard to understand that for newcomers. Don´t give up. Others got used to it as well.

My two centavos, Gerd
Imagine Data Sources as railways (say A & B), that take your train to places where:
1 - data resides, and / or
2 - process executes
You may see OCM as a couple of switches - you de-activate data source_A, and activate data source_B - that is, your train will NOT run on railway A, anymore, but on railway B.

JDE OneWorld The Complete Reference by Miller, Jacot and Stern
<<A path code is really OneWorld's window to the world. this is because a path code contains all the information the system needs to run its objects. ... A path code is how OneWorld finds the specifications necessary to run its applications, business functions, and reports.>>
This book is a MUST have! The Developer's Guide, too.

Take them one at a time, and be patient, ... and read JDEList's archives ... start with a search on: 'specification'

Warm regards,
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