FAT Versus Thin Client - Report Result Differences


Well Known Member
Hi All,

Looking for assistance in explaining the following:

1. Created a custom version of the PO Print, R5543500 and checked it in.

2. When running this version from a FAT client, either locally or on the Enterprise Server, the Supplier's Part Number (controlled via a Processing Option) prints on the PO.

3. However, when running this version from a Thin client, the Supplier's Part Number does not print on the PO.

4. The FAT and Thin environment are the same, i.e. both are PY7333 (one isn't PY7333 versus WPY7333)

When you submit a Job on the Thin client doesn't it also run on the Enterprise Server? If so, what could cause these results to be different?

Any guidance or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Has the change been deployed to the thin client? (i.e. Client build or a "get" was done on the object). Yes it does run on the Enterprise server (assuming you have the OCM's set), but the specs still need to be present on the client.

Joshua Peterson
CNC Administrator
Ball Corporation
Re: RE: FAT Versus Thin Client - Report Result Differences

Hi Joshua,

Thanks for your reponse. Since I "added" a new version on my FAT, and then set the processing options as desired, and then checked the version in, using the FAT, shouldn't the WTS client immediately have those Processing Options reflected?