F3003 Routing Master File UOM


We have a situation where the item master has a uom of CA (CASE) but a routing created for this manufactured item has a uom of 2P (2Packs)in field UOM (unit of measure as input). We have deleted the routing and re-entered but the wrong uom is still picked up. I have checked all the relevant UOM on the item master and they have the CA value. We do have a CA to 2P conversion factor but would this cause the default UOM written to the routing table to have this value?
We would appreciate any advice that would lead us to where the spurious uom is coming from.
Thank you for taking the time to read our post.
Hi Have you checked that ALL routes were deleted form the F3003 for this item?

Does a route exist with the 2P UOM in the file?

Was the 2P UOM originally set against the "Production Unit" in the item master?
You are correct about the 2P originally being in the item master. Investigation of the BOM changes table show that this item was originally created with UOM 2P while in development phase. No transactions however took place until after the UOM had been changed. It does look like it is hodling the original Production UOM somewhere.