We have a requirement to create JSON payload with multi-level/nested segments as follows. I was able to get Header and Detail nodes with two headless-detail forms but limited to two levels only. Also tried using power browse with tab pages. Neither generated the required structure. Please suggest if/how to generate such structure.
"Transaction": {
"Header": {
"TransactionID": "ProcOrder",
"TransactionRefID": "1CA9A176ECFB",
"SourceSiteID": "Denver",
"SourceSystem": "JDE",
"Detail": {
"Plant": "Aurora",
"Order": 101401,
"Product": 2323,
"RecipeID": "",
"BatchQuantity": 2700,
"BatchUOM": "EA",
"Items": [
"LineNo": 10,
"Item": 303,
"TotQuantity": 1.2,
"UOM": "KG",
"Allocation": {
"Lot": 20161000,
"Quantity": 1.2
"LineNo": 20,
"Item": 304,
"TotQuantity": 4.8,
"UOM": "KG",
"Allocation": [
"Lot": 20161000,
"Quantity": 4,
"Lot": 201610012,
"Quantity": 0.8,
"Transaction": {
"Header": {
"TransactionID": "ProcOrder",
"TransactionRefID": "1CA9A176ECFB",
"SourceSiteID": "Denver",
"SourceSystem": "JDE",
"Detail": {
"Plant": "Aurora",
"Order": 101401,
"Product": 2323,
"RecipeID": "",
"BatchQuantity": 2700,
"BatchUOM": "EA",
"Items": [
"LineNo": 10,
"Item": 303,
"TotQuantity": 1.2,
"UOM": "KG",
"Allocation": {
"Lot": 20161000,
"Quantity": 1.2
"LineNo": 20,
"Item": 304,
"TotQuantity": 4.8,
"UOM": "KG",
"Allocation": [
"Lot": 20161000,
"Quantity": 4,
"Lot": 201610012,
"Quantity": 0.8,