E9.1 R3465 Refresh Actuals UOM Conversion for Summary Forecast



I am using the R3465 Refresh Actuals program to load aggregated history for master planning families (MPFs) into the F3400 table. The MPFs include items which have different primary units of measure, KG and BG. (BGs are 25-kg bags). In order for the MPF aggregation to be correct, all the items in the MPF need to be the same UOM. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demand Forecasting Data Sheet has a list of key features that includes: "Dynamic conversion rates for multiple units of measure (including currencies)". Section 7.1.5 Summary Sales Order History in the Forecast Management Implementation Guide includes this note: "The Refresh Actuals program (R3465) converts sales orders into the primary unit of measure and adjust the resulting quantities." For the aggregation of the MPF quantities, I need a common UOM for each item not the a mixture of differing primary UOMs. I am hoping that the dynamic conversion rates for multiple units of measure feature will resolve this, but I don't know how to apply it. If you would, please advise about how I can get a common UOM for each item in my MPFs. I have already considered changing the primary UOMs for the items, but I've been told that this is the wrong way to go.
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