Export Report and application Versions to CSV

Hi, is it possible to explain how to use your Version Compare tool in detail, because I'm having troubles to get it to work. TIA.

Jan Hox
OneWorld XE U6 SP. 20.0
Hi, I managed to get it to work. Perfect tool, exactly what we needed to compare versions with MCU in the data selection. Many thanks !!

Jan Hox

OneWorld XE U6 SP. 20.0
Brian, thanks for this great tool! I can get it to work and retrieve information for the first version of any program. But if an application has multiple versions, it only retrieves the first one. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a bug? On a command line I enter the following:
owversions -Tp4210.csv p4210

This generates a csv file of the first version of P4210.

Boris Goldenberg
JDE OneWorld consultant
Export ALL Versions

To export ALL versions to Excel compatible CSV files:

OWVersions -T *

Try it. You may find something you didn't expect.