Common issue(s) with the Knowledge Garden and JDE Support


Active Member
If you have a minute, please provide some instances where the Knowledge Garden support failed to do just that, support. I'm in the procoess of taking a survey of common issues JDE users have with Knowledge Garden and/or Oracle(JDE) support in general. Any comments, opinions, thoughts and/or experiences would be very much obliged.

The issues I had with the knowledge garden revolves around the integration
of the JDE knowledge base to the PeopleSoft website. WHILE we were in the
implementation process PeopleSoft cut off our ability to access the
knowledge garden. This continued for months. Even when we reacquired the
ability to access the knowledge garden we had to go through one designated
company representative to obtain new user ids. I've had access to other
vendor knowledge base sites, and never had such hassle. I've used the
knowledge garden a few times since, and it's okay content wise. However, I
prefer Jdelist because it's so easy to use.

Thanks for letting me vent,
