Bypass IE Open/Save prompt for PDFs on JAS


We are running JDE E810 with Tools Release

When JAS users go to Row|View PDF, Internet Explorer brings up a Do you want to open or save this file? prompt. Is there any way to bypass this window and just view the PDF every time?

I've tried adding the website to the Trusted Sites zone and making all of the security settings as permissive as possible. I've also run Windows Explorer, gone under Tools|Folder Options|File Types, selected PDF, hit Advanced, and verified that Confirm open after download is unchecked. The prompt still appears. This happens in both IE6SP2 and IE7.

Is there anything else we can try?
Try adding UBEContentDisposition=False to the [OWWEB] section of the jas.ini file.
Try this in your registry

create a text file then rename it to .reg and merge it into a test machine registry,

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/csv]
nice reply, Clarke. I made the change in our test JVM, restarted OAS and tested successfully. I have been annoyed with the pop-up for the last several months not thinking an ini setting could be used to bypass.

Thank you for this jas.ini file setting. It worked great for me, and will be a great relief to our web users. This hint rocks, and is why I think that JDEList is so great!!!
<font color="red">
[OWWEB] section

I guess the hint is a well fit candidate for the JDE Tips and Tricks category.
Thank you JDEList,
The one thing I noticed and don't like about that change is we lose the report name if you save the pdf after you open it. They all appear as 'com.jdedwards.jas.pdf' instead of 'R09801_ZJDE0007_46820_PDF[1].pdf'. Is there some way to retain the report name and not have the annoying pop-up screen?

Just thought I'd mention: we have a software solution (Total Rapport), which automatically opens the PDF on the WEB (or Fat, or Citrix) client once the job finishes. That is - without any prompts, even without the need to look the job up...
Try adding UBEContentDisposition=False to the [OWWEB] section of the jas.ini file.

[/ QUOTE ]Thank you. This solution produced the result we were looking for.
Houston, we have a problem.
We can't open .csv anymore. We see a window flashing in front of our eyes, and ... nothing.
I added the registry entry: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT->MIME->Database->Content Type->application/csv with the Extension .csv but still we can't get the csv output.
Did anybody experience this?
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