BSSV - Unable to look up Web Service Softcoding Record (P954000)


Well Known Member
For some reason, I can't look up a softcoding record in P954000 anymore. It used to work before and there's no code change.

Here's my code.

try {
Element softCodingRecord = SoftCodingRecordAccess.getSoftCodingRecord(context, "MYKEY");
} catch (Exception e) {}

The strange thing is it did not even get into the catch part, it just bombed out. I suspect there's something wrong with the network or something.

What do you think?


I'm using E1 tools 9.1.3 on Windows server 2008
I think one of my Java class is corrupted so that's why it can't read the P954000. How do I remove it and rebuild it in PY please?
Delete classes folders (those with .class files) and rebuild all projects in JDEveloper.
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