About UBE's and PDF's

  • Thread starter olivier_maurice
  • Start date


Active Member
About UBE\'s and PDF\'s


I was wondering if by default there are reports that call other reports in XE. And if this is the case, what is the relation between the jobnumbers and the final output PDF? I explain.

For each UBE submitted on the enterprise server, a record is created in F986110, containing a jobnumber and the filename for the PDF. What happens in case this UBE calls another UBE?

I suppose another record is entered in F986110, but in which PDF is the result "printed"?

I know, I could set up and test this myself, but this post is written faster...[blush]

Thanks already,

RE: About UBE\'s and PDF\'s

each ube has his own pdf output. EX:
AND UBE2_F489834_849740.PDF

-----Mensaje original-----
De: olivier_maurice [mailto:eek:[email protected]]
Enviado el: jueves, 05 de febrero de 2004 10:30
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: About UBE's and PDF's


I was wondering if by default there are reports that call other reports in
XE. And if this is the case, what is the relation between the jobnumbers and
the final output PDF? I explain.
For each UBE submitted on the enterprise server, a record is created in
F986110, containing a jobnumber and the filename for the PDF. What happens
in case this UBE calls another UBE?
I suppose another record is entered in F986110, but in which PDF is the
result "printed"?
I know, I could set up and test this myself, but this post is written

Thanks already,
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Re: About UBE\'s and PDF\'s

There are lots of instances where the report you run calls other reports. There is no rule that defines where the output should be. It could be in the UBE you called or it could be in the UBE that was called by the initial UBE. You will have to discover this on a case by base basis.
Re: About UBE\'s and PDF\'s

Hi sbeebe,

You say "There is no rule that defines where the output should be. It could be in the UBE you called or it could be in the UBE that was called by the initial UBE. "

You mean it is possible to define where the output should be printed? I explain.

We 'd like to attach an "extra" page to some existing UBE's. The layout of the page is independent of which UBE invoked the second one. Based on some parameters passed to the second UBE, the extra page is built up and "attached" to the first UBE. This way adding this extra page to a UBE is a matter of one call, while otherwise the complete logic has to be built in in each UBE that requires that extra page.


Re: About UBE\'s and PDF\'s


Like arrozpegao said - you can sub-call additional ubes... but, this can create issues if you are using any type of forms management tool (like Create!Form or Optio)... the pdf processor would have to look for secondary PDFs - and that is not always a good thing.

Another option - which may also have drawbacks - is to create additional 'conditional' sections. These conditional sections can contain all the necessary text and be called when necessary.

If you have a forms manangment tool - it might be a good idea to call/create the additional output within them. Often the FMTs are better at producing the output.


Just how green will it get?
Re: About UBE\'s and PDF\'s


Indeed, we are talking about Optio. I also considered the extra conditional sections, but they have to be built in in each UBe. Running a seperate UBE would only require one call and the secondary PDF generation I was thinking it would not cause any problems: if the 2nd UBE is ran asynchronuously with the one invoking the 2nd one, it will always arrive first on the Optio server so it can be processed (to a text file or so for further processing). Linking to the right 2nd UBE is not problem as the invokation returns the OW jobnumber.

So once the data arrive on the Optio server (with the jobnumber printed somewhere), the right 2nd UBE file is parsed and the document is printed/mailed/faxed/...

Am I right or wrong?


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