9.0 Upgrade with New Deployment Server



Reputable Poster
I am attempting to upgrade from 8.12 to 9.0 and instead of upgrading the deployment server, I am wanting to swap it out with a newer updated box. The sequence I have gone through to this point is: Installed the Deployment Server install on the new box, took all environments. Applied tools release and then the latest 9.0 planner ESU. At this point, I am now logging into my new deployment server and not sure what to do. Do I create a typical install plan as a I would normally do on a new install and add my old deployment server as an "additional" deployment server? I can't run an upgrade plan on the new box because it doesn't even know about my existing 8.12 instance yet. Thanks in advance for your recommendations.
Hi Steven,

I think you have to start defining your plan and then after you click OK or Next on the screen where you enter your System data source, your system information will be imported into the planner on your new deployment server.

I seem to remember an old problem with new deployment servers though. Something like after you import the system data, the old deployment server is defined as a primary deployment server and it won't let you add the new deployment server as a primary. I don't remember the exact solution, but I think I had to SQL the old deployment server record in my new planner database to make it a secondary and then I could add my new deployment server as a primary. I don't think I could change the field through the application and that's why I had to use SQL. I'm not sure if this still applies with 9.0.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Upgrades!

Now, if you read through Chapter 5 of your E1 9.0 AS/400 Upgrade manual (Working with the Installation Planner for an Upgrade), you will see that near the beginning of the process to create your Upgrade Plan, it will ask for your old System - 812 data source.

It is this step which pulls all the information for your old Deployment Server, and everything else, into the E900 Planner database, so the Installation Planner knows where to find all your 8.12 stuff.
I think this is where my problem resides. When I first enter my plan as an "Upgrade" plan, it tries to connect to "Planner - 812" as opposed to "System - 812". "System - 812" isn't even a choice when I click on my search button on the "Previous System Data Source" name. This is what led me to believe there is something else I need to do to get the proper data sources over to the new deploy server.
Is your Planner - 812 database in MSDE, or did you upgrade it to SSE? Either way, you'll have to create an ODBC entry for it on your new Deployment Server. Use the SQL Server driver if it's MSDE, otherwise, use the SQL Native Client driver.

Then see if it will connect ...
Have you configured the previous planner datasource (in the System DSN) to touch your 8.12 planner DB?
I stumbled into that and I am moving forward with the process now. Thanks for all the responses.
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