Visually Impaired with WTS


Active Member
E1 8.93 Tools 8.93Q1I with Oracle DB and Citrix 4.0 presentation. I have a user that needs to be setup with large fonts in OneWorld for all of their applications. Is there an easy way to set this up without having to create an user override for every app?
Try this.

Give them a large screen - say a 20" flatscreen - and make that screen 1600x1200 resolution.

Then create a citrix session of a much lower resolution - lets say 800 x 600 and not seamless. Make the session "full screen". I think those fonts should appear to be pretty big now !

Alternatively - I thought you could set up visually impaired settings for a terminal users' profile without having to mess around with Oneworlds overrides (always a bad idea)- but I might be mistaken.
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