Summarize available quantity


Well Known Member
Hi list,

I have setup the following situation in the P4100:

Loc. A LOD 2
Loc. A1 LOD 3
Loc A1A LOD 4

When i receive stock on the deepest LOD, i always thought that XE automatically summarizes on a higher level. Is that the correct expectation ??? I would like to summarize all lots on a higher level (B/P level is too global).

Thanks in advance for the info.
You may be able to accomplish this by turning on location segmentation in your branch plant defaults. Doing this will activate the Location Segment Specification tab on B/P constants row exit for location definition.

You can define your location segments here, then use those segments in the "Location Segments Inquiry" program (P400951) - second tab.

This might help you out, however I suggest that you test this out before making any changes.

correct, but the segments are only used for inquiry purposse only.
Quantities are not summarized on a higher level.

Martijn Groeneveld
Deloitte & Touche
Enterprise Systems Implementation

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