SP22 JAS Scroll Bars


Well Known Member
Has anyone had any issues getting the scroll bars appear after installing SP22? I am on SP22_C1 testing out the JAS server, when I find that I cannot get the scroll bars to appear. For those out there that didn't know JDE didn't know the jas.ini file didn't come with the sections needed to enable this function, and I have added those sections as defined in sar 6717176. But they still do not appear, I have regenerated all objects and totally rebooted my JAS server, started and stopped the application server, the services everything... I have a call open but it isn't going anywhere....

If you have any ideas please drop me a line.
It worked for me. Be sure you have these exact
entries in that jas.ini

Add this new section

#interactivity level. valid values are: LOW, MEDIUM,
and HIGH
# whether multiple browsers fetch is enabled
# the maximum number of open browsers for each user
# the number of records fetched for each database
fetch before getting a system warning

Add the following lines to the [Server Components]


--- bukosknr <[email protected]> wrote:

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The 'InteractivityLevel=LOW' setting has to set to HIGH in many cases for the scroll bar to appear. This an undocumented 'feature' as of now.
Those sections are in there exactly as stated in sar 6717176. It is quite weird....

I was unaware of this SAR until I saw this post. After placing the secion in the JAS.INI and restarting, I noted the following changes:
- Application Launched from Solution Explorer, launch in a new window.
- Even though the grid initially shows only 10 lines, every time you press the down arrow it adds 10 more. That is at first it shows 1-10, then 1-20, then 1-30. Without this fix it would just show the next 10. That is 1-10, 11-20, 21-30.
- When you close a Internet Explorer window, it leaves the application running. You can pick up where you left off by selecting the application from a new box in Solution Explorer. The only way to close the application is to use the OneWorld 'close' button.
Argh! That is exactly what it is supposed to do... Lucky!

Well i did some more testing after adding the section multiple browers to true, no apps will lauch, I get cannot be displayed. Putting that to false allows me to lauch applications, but no scroll bars... :(


Well It was an easy fix. Turns out it was the problem of my life, I can't spell. But I wont forget how to spell component again... Well maybe I will.

After fixing that it works fine.
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