RE: PrintQueue for Citrix



Well Known Member
RE: PrintQueue for Citrix

First, where is your Y: drive mapped to? And how do you map it for your
users? We do the very same thing, our Y: drive is mapped to a storage
server. We ensure that the Y: drive mapping is completed when the user logs
into the network. We use a program called Script Logic, and it works

Now if for some reason the user's system is having problems maintaining a
good network connection, this could cause problems, or if the drive on the
server is full, or having issues, that could cause it. At first we had a
limit set on how much space each user was allowed. Once JDE went on-line,
that went out the window. Once we increased their allowed space and had the
user reboot, everything was fine.

Joy Fernandez, JDE System Administrator
Xe - Oracle 8i - Citrix - SP 15.1
[email protected]
Where is your Jde.ini file for the each users. It seems to me that it is somewhere in the share drive rather than in the terminal server. If it is in the share drive then which jde.ini is used by used when you log on to Terminal server A or B ? How do you co-ordinate that ?

Vivek Mohan
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