G/L postin - Re-stated


Active Member
I'm re-stating my last posting. We have a donation doc type that is posting to the G/L but it's posting $0.00 but there was a dollar amount on the order. Does anyone know how to set up a doc type/line type to post $0.00 to the G/L? There is another doc type that we want to apply this to.


Kelly Read
Chiquita Brands Int'l
B733.2 SP 11.2 NT SQL Server
We have a donation doc type that is posting to the G/L but it's posting $0.00 but there was a dollar amount on the order.

I regards to this question, Which AAI´s are posting zero?

I understand GOGS or inventory should have amounts, but not the revenue account.

Does anyone know how to set up a doc type/line type to post $0.00 to the G/L?

This is handled by AAI´s more than by doc type. I thougt you wanted to avoid this posting. There may be a way in the JE MBF to omit the crteation of JE with zero amouts.

Am I getting it?
Regards, Mcb
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