Call a Crystal Report from JDE E1 without a wrapper


Hi Everyone,

I need to know if I can open a Crystal report from JDE E1 without wrap the Crystal runtime report viewer in a programming language, I mean just execute my reports using the integration between JDE and Crystal.

If it's possible can anybody give me some code example?

What version of E1? Crystal Version? What do you have installed?
Fat Client, Web client?
We are working with 8.12 version of E1, Crystal Reports 10.
We installed Crystal Reports 10 and Crystal Reports 10 Integration.
It is for Fat Client and Web Client.

I will waiting your answer.

now that I know your version (and you are web client only basically), I'm sorry to say that I can't help you. What you need to know is how to use the Crystal Reports Integration with JDE. We don't use that here (from all reports it's a dog). Suggest you read all the documentation you can find.

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