Browse for file dialog within web interface


Does anyone have or know of a bsfn that merely obtains a file name (like a windows 'open file dialog'), and works from WITHIN the web interface? I've found B9600415 "Windows Shell Utilities", but when I called it from a form exit in the web interface, it invoked a 'separate' program complete with taskbar icon, and doesn't even switch focus to it. First time I tried it (localhost), I was stuck on the calling form with a 'processing' message for 30 seconds before I realized that I had to click the (new) taskbar icon (which I wasn't expecting) for the 'open dialog' to even see it.

JDE has the exact functionality I'm looking for built into its 'Import From Excel' (located on the 'Tools' exit menu [for example] from the P4210 detail entry screen) on the 'Browse' button, but that functionality doesn't seem to be exposed to the ER code for use.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
We're on E1 8.12 TR


  • 151436-Upload Fig 1.jpg
    151436-Upload Fig 1.jpg
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I don't believe you are going to find one, at least not one that works with the HTML client.

I had the same requirement when I ported an Xe Full Client Only APPL to 90.

I ended up creating my own that is basically just another APPL with a tree control and a grid. The main limitation is that the user can only select a file that is on a network share accessibly by the jde batch server.
Thanks for the info.

Would you be willing to share your custom APPL? I certainly understand if not.
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