
  1. alfredorz

    E9.2 Data Request with filter like for different values?

    Hi JDEFriends, how are you? I want to apply filter in a Data Request for a field with starts with different values, I tested with assign starts with a single value and it works fine, but I want with different values. I present my particular case, I want to get all locations what starts by A...
  2. E9.2 Create nested multi-level JSON payload

    We have a requirement to create JSON payload with multi-level/nested segments as follows. I was able to get Header and Detail nodes with two headless-detail forms but limited to two levels only. Also tried using power browse with tab pages. Neither generated the required structure. Please...
  3. E9.2 How to Update multiple receipt line with Form Request via Passed in array?

    I have a form request that selects receipts to add to an invoice (P4314 Form: W4314B). After n receipts have been selected, it is displayed on P4314 Form: W4314A). In the voucher match screen (P4314 form W4314A), I am trying to update more than one record with my passed in ReceiptRecords Array...
  4. E9.2 how to authenticate user in jde ,using REST api

    I am developing a mobile app, to let our customer log in and view sales record. I am very new to jde, only few weeks, I tried using /tokenrequest provided by AIS. It works if the user is an AIS user, but give authorization error for normal business users(which is understandable). Now my question...
  5. alfredorz

    E9.2 Is possible call from BSSV to ORCH?

    Hi friends, We have a bssv that is called form third party. Currently, we have a orchestrator to call a rest service of other third party. And we want join this process and the two worlds, when bssv is called it call to orchestrator, I know directly is not possible, but I'm thinking if I create...
  6. E9.2 Orchestration - Use current session instead of com.oracle.e1.aisclient.LoginEnvironment

    I'm creating a Custom Script (Groovy) and I need to call a BSFN inside that script. I was able to do that thanks to another post from here, the problem is that the way it's done now requires me to create a new LoginEnvironment instance, passing the serverURL, the username and user password as...
  7. E9.2 Orchestrator rest call - Table token

    Hello, I enable a thirdy part software to call jde-orchestrator in order to perform a business process. I do it via the following steps: 1. thirdy part calls orchestrator service "/tokenrequest" in order to obtain the token; 2. thirdy part calls another orchestration. In which table JDE stores...
  8. Ashwin Ramkumar

    E9.2 Orchestrator Performance Improvement

    Hi, I've Created an Orchestration which has three form request and Two rules and two custom groovy script and an Message request. The Process time it takes is almost 20 seconds. Can someone please tell on how to improve the performance to process this under 8 seconds or less. Also generally...
  9. E9.2 jde one click provisioning , Enterprise Server Preferences step, pathcodes no dropdown,

    jde one click provisioning version:9.2.73 db: oracle 19c weblogic : jde one click provisioning , Enterprise Server Preferences step, pathcodes no dropdown, F12 Debug ,console log Refused to set unsafe header "Set-Cookie" Uncaught TypeError: Cannot create property...
  10. E9.2 ORCH - Unable to add Multiple Sales Order Lines - P42101

    Hello - I am trying to create Sales Order by using JSON data but somehow it's creating the Sales Order with one detail line. Anyone faced this issue in the past. Any help will be highly appreciated. JSON Grid Data: [ { "Quantity_Ordered": 2, "Item_Number": 210 }, {...
  11. BookClub

    E9.2 Bypass Kit Selection Using Orchestrator

    Hello, I have an Orchestration that creates sales orders and adds items to the grid in P4210. It has worked great with the exception of adding Kit items. When a kit item is added to the grid, the application jumps to Kit Selection, causing the Orchestration to error out since it's not expecting...
  12. E9.2 Is there a way to generate multiple lines at p43060 at one step ?

    Is there a way to generate multiple lines at p43060 at one step instead of keep clicking on OK at order release like for an example I have selected 20 lines to be generated to quotation and they are all common with the same supplier so what i need is to select them then click generate with the...
  13. E9.2 ORCH: Custom NER data structure is not showing up in ORCH studio and Postman

    Hi, We are on 9.2 Tools and UN5, 64 bit. We are trying to invoke custom business function in orchestrator studio using F(x) custom. Issue is, while selecting NER, it does not show up data structure. It does show up for JDE standard BSFN and NER. We have tried with...
  14. E9.2 Groovy Script to generate Random string for Password

    Hey Community , Need help in how to generate a random alphanumerical string in a groovy script ? Want to include this in an orchestration for user creation where i will generate a random password for users and email it to them Thank you
  15. DaveWagoner

    E9.2 POST REST Connector where entire body content is an input variable erroring out

    See image below. I'm trying to pass an entire valid JSON string to the body of a local AIS REST POST call. When I do this, I get a maddening error. The error I'm getting is "SyntaxError: Unexpected token '$', "${dave}" is not valid JSON" Using vars within the body of other json in the body...
  16. E9.2 Call NER using Custom Groovy (Can't load libraries)

    Hello, I'm currently using Tools Version I need to call a NER using orchestrator but it's not directly available on my release. I'm trying to use a custom Groovy to call the NER just like BSSVs do. But when I try to load the required libraries, I get an error, saying they don't exist...
  17. E9.2 Orchestrator naming convention?

    Hi all I want to ask what I think is a simple question. Should there be a naming convention for Orchestrations? Are there any known issues that we should be aware of? And what about versions of a specific Orchestration that might get updated in the future with new capabilities...should we...
  18. jdecoder

    E9.2 How to loop a connector to perform Pagination on JSON response with possible_pages = n

    Hi, I have a rest endpoint something like this : https://baseurl/v2/some_method?page=0&dayRange=365 which return JSON paylod something like this : { "data":[ {"person_id": "a739fc72-ccd4-46b9-b236-9b25ce1651bb", "person_name": "BEN", "employee_number": "1045469",…}, {"person_id"...
  19. cvilac

    E9.2 Error publish Form Extension

    Hello I have an error: I made a form extension UDO adding a button to call an orchestrator, then I when I want to share clicking "request to publish" see an error that tell this is not possible because the orchestrator has to be public. What means "public"? If it means a public role, I did...
  20. E9.2 Creating Form Request for Power Edit Form

    Hello Everyone, We have an existing Power Edit Application which creates records in Header -Detail custom tables F55001H and F55001D. This are Custom sales order header details and we receive this data from 3rd party application. Now we are automating this process, but creating an...