problem with DBAM - data base audit manager


Well Known Member

I have strange problem with DBAM.

I run it for a few files and now I see that DBAM works not in "real time" I mean when I delete/change/add some lines from file, the suitable line in trigger file are not visible directly after my action but after some time (few minutes or longer)

Did you get similar problem? How to resolve it? When I debug the trigger program I see that record are write to trigger file but then when I try to find it in this trigger file - doesn't exist? WHY?


We had the same issue. Then we noticed that the system does not always write the records to physical storage until the program ends, or the user logs off, or something. I forget exactly. Just try exiting the system, then go back and look.
I believe you can do a CHGPF on the file and change the FRCRATIO parameter, which is the number of records that are processed before they are forced to permanent storage.

Hope this helps.
On the Audit PF the value for FRCRATIO should be set to a 1. I believe
Oracle has a fix for this for A7.3 customers.
