Menu/Toolbar exits


Well Known Member
Hi List,

We made a menu change to one of our programs in Dev. We tested it and it is working as planned. Same in PY. But when we promote the object into production, we don't see the new menu. I've tried deleting the object from F98740, F98741 and F98BLOB in Prod files and promote again from PY without any success. Do you guys know of a way to fix this?

Thanks, Wes
OK, you promoted from PY to PD; what about doing a GET/Check-Out in PD? Did you do that too?
Yes I did. It didn't work.

I should mention that the menus that are not showing up, have submenus. When I looked at the local TAM files, I can see the menu description in the FDATEXT.ddb file.

Check the log in OMW and see what error you received when you doid the