world soft


can any of u heip in getting any refrence books or links that give complete tutorial of jde world soft starting from basics.
thank u in advance.
Suneel wrote:
hi, can any of u heip in getting any refrence books or links that give complete tutorial of jde world soft starting from basics. thank u in advance.

[/ QUOTE ]

Suneel -

Let me get this right - you work for a multibillion Indian dollar software, technonology, and outsourcing company, but they will not pay for you to learn JDE? Good luck with that!

Better yet - maybe you could ask one of the other 79,000 employees of your firm for mentoring and assistance...

About HCL Technologies

Best Regards,
Suneel, you'd have an easier time cleaning out the Augean Stables than learning 'all' of JDE World. You can buy the JDE World Administrator's Guide on Amazon if you only want to learn the technical aspects of security, menus and wrapping dreamwriters around programs. But that will not teach you how to program within JDE. And that still leaves the entire body of functional knowledge. There is no single, organized body of JDE World functional knowledge. The only way to really learn JDE is to be taught by someone who knows JDE. If you are really being thrown into JDE support by your employer (per Mr. Landess's comment) with no training, I'd like to know who that employer is so I can avoid them.
Is your employer (with 79000 employees) a customer of Oracle and current on Oracle maintenance? If yes, just log on to Oracle site and get all the training and documentation you need. If your company with 79000 employees needs JDE knowledge but does not pay for Oracle support, I feel sorry for you.

Are you working on your employer’s in-house JDE systems?
Or are you doing managed services for client companies’ JDE systems?
>can any of u heip in getting any refrence books or links that give complete tutorial of jde world soft starting from basics.
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