World A7.3 problem with Fiscal Year end not rolling trans correctly.


Two transactions dated 1/01/11 did not roll to the new fiscal year for retained earnings. Fiscal year 2011 begins 1/2/11. These 2 transactions were reversals from a post that occurred on 12/30/10. This only happened for these two entries. All other entries posted on 1/1/11 rolled correctly. The GL Date for the initial entry was 12/30/10. The reversal was GL Date 1/01/11.

Can anyone provide any insight as to what I need to do to fix?
It looks like your accounting calendar was set up with a 12/31/10 period and year end when the original entries were posted. The reversal happens as part of the post process for the original entry. The reversing entries are created on the first day of the next accounting period, so when the entries were posted, 1/1/11 was the start of the next period/year.
Send me a private message if you need help fixing this.