WO Completions Missing in GL


We are having a problem where the R31802 (Manufacturing Journal Entries)occasionally understated WO completions. We complete WO's by pallet as they are produced and run R31802 in job scheduler on a daily basis or sometimes a user will run R31802 manually. On about 5% of our work orders, we have a discrepancy between cardex completions (F4111) and GL completions (F0911) of one pallet. All other pallets process correctly and the unaccounted units field (CTS1) in F4801 is 0.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what the problem may be?

Andrew Dickinson
Enterprise One XE, update 5
By any chance are you running R31802 at the same time as the WO Completions are occurring? We ran into this situation, which caused the IC's not to post completely. Our workaround was to run R31802 in off-hours at night, when we don't do WO Completions. I think what happens is you get two programs doing updates at the same time, and one of them loses out (e.g. WO Completions).

There is a known issue with running the R31802 at the same time as
transactions are occurring that write to manufacturing related tables.
This usually shows up in missing IC transactions but can also effect other
table updates. PeopleSoft/JDE had admitted that this was an issue in
earlier releases of OneWorld. In a call I placed with Global Support last
year they recommended that we do not enter transactions at the same time
that R31802 or R31422 are running.

At a prior client we worked around this by holding transactions in buffer
memory in their shop floor data collection system (since they were a 24x7
operation) until R31802 was finished running each night on Scheduler. The
link between the shop floor server and JDE was re-established after R31802
completed successfully.


Jeff Smith CPIM CIRM
Business Consulting Services, PeopleSoft Enterprise One
Phone: (416)774-1272 / Cell: (416)708-5287
Fax: (416)490-2335
email: [email protected]

addickinson <[email protected]>@jdelist.com on 04/04/2005
02:07:13 PM

Please respond to JD Edwards® EnterpriseOne Applications
<[email protected]>

Sent by: [email protected]

To: [email protected]
Subject: WO Completions Missing in GL

We are having a problem where the R31802 (Manufacturing Journal
Entries)occasionally understated WO completions. We complete WO's by pallet
as they are produced and run R31802 in job scheduler on a daily basis or
sometimes a user will run R31802 manually. On about 5% of our work orders,
we have a discrepancy between cardex completions (F4111) and GL completions
(F0911) of one pallet. All other pallets process correctly and the
unaccounted units field (CTS1) in F4801 is 0.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what the problem may be?

Andrew Dickinson
Enterprise One XE, update 5
We had the same issue. If you are using the superbackflush program P31123 to complete the work orders, directly or called by interoperability batch R31123Z1I, you can get a fix from JDE that's the ESU for XE JD23181 (SAR n° 6723921).

We feel that our problem is a conflict between the WO completion and R31802 run at the same time. Does anyone know if this was fixed? SAR Number or in a later release (i.e. 8.10 or 8.11)?

Wo completion missing GL

Hi Sir,

We are on e900 and are facing the same problem.! As workorder completion happens through dclink in real time.! Is there a way to fix this.! Need help.'
By any chance are you running R31802 at the same time as the WO Completions are occurring? We ran into this situation, which caused the IC's not to post completely. Our workaround was to run R31802 in off-hours at night, when we don't do WO Completions. I think what happens is you get two programs doing updates at the same time, and one of them loses out (e.g. WO Completions).
Since 9.0 Update 1 there is function called 7/24 for R31802A, and you can go for Oracle Support checking the details.

Hi John,

Thanks for the reply. can you please provide some more details, if possible. I am not able to find anything in Oracle Support.

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