Visual ER Compare with B7331


Active Member
Hi All,
I am trying to use Visual ER compare tool in XE for the first to retrofit code in XE. I am trying to compare source code between XE and B7331.

I copied P4210-Sales Order application to P554210D and is local to my fatclient which runs XE.

I would like to use this to compare to a same object P554210D which is also local to B7331 on a different fat client. The only difference is P554210D on B7331 has custom changes in it.

The Visual ER compares hangs when I try to point my source to local spec folder on B7331 fat client.

XE- B7333 SP19.1

This really works. I tried it out my self. What you have to do is to copy the SPEC Directory from the any of the Pathcodes and paste it to some remote location and then Choose Remote Specification Location option from the ER Copmare...and choose the mapped SPEC direct ..You will see that it works

If you need more details please revert back at the below mentioned objects.


[email protected]