Vertex tax calculations


Active Member
We require the tax calculations to be always calculated on the primary ship to #. Initially, I thought, over-riding the geo-tax code(TXA1) and the tax explanation code(EXR1) on the Order Header will do the trick, but, it did not work for 1 scenario in testing.

Can someone please explain the JDE and Vertex/Quantum/TDM interface, the different tables/columns in every tax calculation step and how the category codes setup on P7306 play a role in tax calculations and at what point , right from Order Entry->Invoicing->Sales Update.
What are you trying to do? If you want it to calculate from where it is shipping to, if you have Nexus in those states, you will actually have to modify the program in order to pass vertex the 3 correct paramaters...I have talked to JDE about this in detail, and cannot understand why that this option is not there. They say it is fixed in ERP 9...