Unicode Question

  • Thread starter patrickjolliffe
  • Start date


Active Member
ust reviewing the 8.10 installation guide.
This states that (under Oracle) NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET should be set to AL16UTF16 and NLS_CHARACTERSET should
be set "in accordance with the correct code page to be used in the language environment" (I guess this does not include Unicode).
As business data is stored in CHAR, rather than NCHAR, fields, would does this mean that one datasource would not be able to handle two different character sets (for example traditional and simplified chinese)?
Any thoughts appreciated.
Checked with PS, and looked at the tables themselves, seems all CHAR fields are converted to NCHAR fields.
But is seems a strange way to go about it, why not continue to use CHAR, and have NLS_CHARACTERSET set to unicode?